About Me

 Thanks for checking out my blog!

Here is a little about me and what I love!



This is me! I am 25 years old and was married in 2009 to the most amazing guy ever!

This is him:


He’s a little adventurous if you can’t tell (This was a Tough Mudder obstacle). And so adventurous husband convinces me that we would have a blast moving/travelling to Central & South America. Just kidding, I was totally in, which is why I like to think we are perfect for each other :) Anyways here we are! We are currently in Costa Rica (smack in the rainy season) but it’s very pretty! We are learning Spanish like crazy, bus routes, new cities, new people, etc… It’s just what we were wanting! We are doing our best to help out with our church down here since the numbers are fewer in Latin America and feel so blessed by the leading of God!

So a little about me, I love cats specifically my cat Jade who is now living comfortably and happily with my parents (thank you mom and dad), my husband, water skiing, peanut butter, the Colorado river, ice cream, Pinterest, family, my two nieces, travelling, Spanish, bananas, flowers, and babies.

Alyssa            IMG_6899 IMG_6772

I enjoy blogging and reading others blogs. It’s such a fun community and a super big help because its information that people know and have tried. I hope to find more interesting foods while on our travels and share them with you. There are so many different kinds of fruits and vegetables here that I have never even heard of! Life’s a journey!

